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Anandamayi Ma

(1896 - 1982) 
Stefani Longshamp

My consciousness has never associated itself with this temporary body.

Before I came on this earth, Pitaji, it was the same.

As a little girl, it was the same.

When the family in which I was born made arrangements to have this body married,

I was the same.

And, Pitaji, in front of you now, I am the same.

Even after the dance of creation changes in the Hall of Eternity,

I shall be the same.



Joys and sorrows are time-born and cannot last. Therefore, do not be perturbed by these.



To talk of God alone is worthwhile; all else is in vain and leads to pain



Live with God.



The only indispensable duty for human beings is to abide in God-remembrance.



The moment that has passed returns not. Time must be used well. Only when spent in the effort to know "Who am I?" has it been used well.



If one is to attain to the Eternal, it is helpful to look for that in everyone and everything. The search after Truth is man's duty, so that he may advance towards Immortality.



You are yourself the self-evident atma: seeking, finding is all in you.



I know only the Name; the Name alone suffices.



Bear in mind that God's Name is He Himself; let it be your inseparable companion. Try your utmost never to be without Him. The more intense and continuous your effort to dwell in His presence, the greater likelihood of your growing joyful and serene.



The intense desire for God-realization is itself the way to it.



In the whole universe, in all states of being, in all forms is He. All Names are His names, All shapes His shapes, all qualities His qualities and all modes of existence are truly His.



Sorrow and happiness arise out of convictions and doubts; if you wish to go beyond (the syndrome of convictions and doubts) seek Him, take refuge at His feet. If you wish for overcoming, for Him alone be your yearning!



How much more time will you spend at a wayside inn? Don't you want to go home? How exquisite it all is... One is in his own self, the wanderer, the exile, the home coming and the home... oneself is all that exists...



An eternal relationship exists between God and man, but in His Play (lila) it is sometimes there and sometimes severed; or rather appears to be severed. It is not really so, for the relationship is eternal. As such you may begin from anywhere.



MA: Strive for Immortality.

Question: It is difficult to know which is the true path?

MA: If you sit with all doors and windows closed, how can you see the path? Open the door and step out, the path will become visible. Once on the way, you will meet other wayfarers, who will advise and guide you as to the path. Your job is to muster whatever strength you have to get underway - thereafter help is assured.



Question: Ma, why do you waste your time with us? We have no appetite for this way of life.

MA: How right you are; but you will agree that a state of 'no appetite' is a state of ill health? (Laughter) Well, then, health may be regained by proper diet and medicined. Proper diet is satsang - seek the company of devout people, read good books; and medicine is regular japa. Whether you like it or not give a little time to do a daily routine of doing some nama-japa (repetition of God's Name); you will see that gradually your 'appetite' will awaken and function normally!



Worship is not a ritual, it is an attitude, an experience.



Question: People say Brahman is unknown, so why try?

MA: If I ask you to describe this flower you will say, it is red, it is a rose and so on and on, but never will you be able to express fully all that this flower is. So all things are known and unknown, manifest and unmanifest, both. It is what it is.



Anandamayi Ma

Anandamayi Ma
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Ma Anandamayi  vidéo 1959 par arnaud desjardins
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