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Neem Karoli Baba

(Om - 1973) 
Stefani Longshamp

It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out.


The great sadhus don't have a human body. They are omnipresent. If a saint changes form, he doesn't necessarily have to take on a human body. The soul is the small form and the human body is the huge form.


Often one goes for one thing and finds another.


Total truth is necessary. You must live by what you say.


Lust, Greed, Anger, Attachment - These are all paths to hell.


I don't want anything. I exist only to serve others.


I have no powers. I don't know anything.


If you want to see God, kill desires. Desires are in the mind. When you have a desire for something, don't act on it and it will go away. If you desire to drink this cup of tea, don't, and the desire for it will fall away.


Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity.


If you desire a mango at the moment of death, you'll be born an insect. If you even desire the next breath, you will take birth again.


I am here and I am in America. Whoever remembers me, I go to.


Temples are but piles of stones. Attachment holds you back.


Work is worship.


Whatever may be guru - he may be a lunatic or a common person. Once you have accepted him, he is the lord of lords.


Work has to be done. What is to be done tomorrow must be done today, and what is to be done today must be done right now.


The best service you can do is to keep your thoughts on God. Keep God in mind every minute.


You can leave me. I won't leave you. Once I catch hold of you, I don't let go.


If you do not make it empty, how will you fill it up again?


Money should be used to help others.


It is not necessary to meet your guru on the physical plane. The guru is not external.


Saints did Jap and Sadhana for 10,000 years..., only then they could succeed in Jap, Meditation and Yoga. But people want to be expert within 5-7 months only.


Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself. 


If you cannot love each other, you cannot achieve your goal.


Attachment is the strongest block to realization.


You should not talk about your wealth, wife, or sadhana or they will go away.


You get wisdom from suffering. You are alone with God when you are sick, in the cremation ground or hospital. You call on  God when you suffer.


Worldly people go outward, but you must go inward like the tortoise, withdrawing within your shell.



Meditation is good, one can attain a pure mind by one-pointedness and detachment. Meditate upon one point and you will know God.


Clear the mind of all worldly things. If you can't control your mind, how will you realize God?

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Suddenly a small child ran across the road and the driver pulled the reins to stop the horse just in time to save the child. Maharajji said, "Like that", pointing to the driver holding the reins. "As the mind will travel here, there, and all directions, you should always try to pull it to one point. You should center it with continuous practice, then automatically it will go to the one point on which you want to meditate. Ultimately, after years, the mind becomes quiet.


The mind should always be engaged in work.


A picture of Shirdi Sai Baba was given to Maharajji and placed at his feet. Maharajji immediately sat up and took up the picture. "It doesn't belong there. He was a very good baba," Maharajji said and put the picture by his head.


This is the ghost plane. Everyone has to die. People weep for their selfishness. Even the dying person weeps for his family. These are nothing, this is foolishness.


Maharajji used to say that bodies should be cremated because it minimizes the craving of the soul to get back into the body. The last possession has been given away.


The people we meet in each birth, we are predestined to meet. It is also predestined how long you will be with a person, so you shouldn't get attached to trying to keep together or feel sad at loss. Realize that you will one day be separated, and then you will avoid that feeling of pain.


He had said that ashrams were prisons and that they caused attachment to creep into the minds of sadhus, who were supposed to have cleansed the mind of attachment. Maharajji had said that he had run away from the ashrams and that he'd never return. From now on he would live in the jungle and have time to sing and pray without disturbance.

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Constant repetition of God's name, even without feelings of devotion, in anger or lethargy, brings out his grace. Once this is realized, there is no room for misgivings.


You should do your work, be friendly to everyone, and never quarrel with anyone. People who are jealous of you will oppose you in various ways but do not take it to heart. Do your work like a great hero and all will be well for you.


For a sadhu to stay in one place means trouble. A moving yogi, and a moving river... impurities and sediments and filth can never settle there. If I stay here, attachment will form.



Forgiveness is the greatest weapon, because a saint so armed is unperturbable...he can give up anger immediately.



Neem Karoli Baba

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