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Ram Dass

(1931 - 2019) 
Stefani Longshamp

No thought is worth having...


The best thing I can do is work on myself.


The quieter I become, the more I can hear.


Emotions are like waves. Watch them disappear on the vast calm ocean.



It's important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.



Every religion is the product of the conceptual mind attempting to describe the mystery.



I am not this body. I am in this body, and this is part of my incarnation and I honor it but that isn't who I am.



Our journey is about being more deeply involved in life and yet less attached to it.



The attainment of enlightenment from ego's point of view is extreme death, the death of self, the death of me and mine, the death of the watcher. It is the ultimate and final disappointment.


Bead by bead - it's like the steps of a ladder, walking you straight into the Brahman.



I think that the idea should be to focus on teachings not teachers.



We live in illusion, the appearance of things, but there is a reality and we are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That's all there is.



If somebody is a problem for you, it's no that they should change, it's that you need to change. If they're a problem for themselves that's their karma, if they're causing you trouble that's your problem with yourself.



And I take almost everything that happens to me as a part of his teachings to me, I take everything, if I can remember.



It is a much better strategy to focus on the mechanics of thought, rather than the content of thought. Do you hear that distinction?



Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality.



What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution.



I'm not afraid to say, "I got trapped in my own stuff again."



Open and stay centered. If you remain centered, your calm presence helps to free all those around you. Go inside yourself to that quiet place where you are wisdom. Wisdom has in its compassion. Compassion understands about life and death. The answer to dying is to be present in the moment.



Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.



If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family.



As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is.



In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are one straight.



Wherever you are, be all there.



Only that in you, which is me can hear what I'm saying.



The next message you need is always right where you are.



A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there's work to be done.



We're here to awaken from the illusion of separateness.



Be here now.



If you think you're free, there's no escape possible.



Let's trade in our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together.



There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.



Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness.



Ram Dass

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