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Ramana Maharshi

(1879 - 1950) 
Stefani Longshamp

Do not fuss or worry about what you have to do or not to do.

What as work has to be done through you, will be done whether you like it or not.

Simply be still.


Your highest glory and grace is where you cease to exist.


Keep your mind steady by gently warding off all intruding thoughts but without strain. Soon you will succeed.


Without consciousness, time and space do not exist; they appear within Consciousness but have no reality of their own.


Every man is divine and strong in his real nature.


Guru is not the physical form.


You carry heaven and hell within you.


Accepting things as they are is true humility.


Let whatever strange things happen, happen; let us see.


Thoughts can change but not you. Let go of the passing thoughts and hold on to the Self.



To remain free from thoughts is the best offering one can make to God.



Meditation must be so intense that it does not give room even to the thought 'I am meditating'.



What is to be done will be done at the proper time. Don't worry.



Place your burden at the feet of the Lord of the universe who is ever victorious and accomplishes everything.



Carry on the sadhana until pleasure and fear are both transcended and all duality ceases, and the Reality alone remains.



Someone asked Ramana Maharshi what the obstacles to enlightenment are. Ramana replied, "Thinking there are obstacles to enlightenment."



Silence is also conversation. It is the language of the Self and the most perfect teaching.



The Higher Power knows what to do and how to do it. Trust it.


No want is the greatest bliss.



There may be happiness or misery. Be equally indifferent to both and abide in the faith of God.



When Bhagavan was asked, "How should we treat others?", He responded, "There are no others."



If you are firm if your belief in the guidance of God, stick to it and do not concern yourself with what happens around you.



All are seeing God always. But they do not know it.



The body is transitory - and hence unreal.


You speak of paths as if you were somewhere and the Self somewhere else and you had to go and reach it.


Your search is like searching all over the world, ceaselessly straining to find the necklace around your neck.



There is no seeing. Seeing is only being.



The thought, 'I am the body', is the original sin.



Experience is the word. Knowledge implies subject and object. But experience is non-terminal, eternal.



The idea of the Self being the witness is only in the mind; it is not the absolute truth of the Self.


Truly speaking, Pure Consciousness is indivisible, it is without parts. It has no form.



Once you accept that the heart as Pure Consciousness is beyond space and time, it will be easy for you to understand the rest.



Purity of heart, self-restraint, evenness of temper, tenderness towards all beings are virtues of the sattvic mind.



If you reject everything, what remains is the Self alone. That is real love.



Why do you say you are troubled and so on? You could as well remain quiet. Why do you rise out of your composure?



Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi
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