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(1890 - 1984) 
Stefani Longshamp

Mr. Nobody

A Rare Born Mystic


"Sunyata came to know Anandamayi Ma and Neem Karoli Baba and many realized beings who are virtually unknown in the West. [one time] Anandamayi Ma looked at Wuti (Sunyata's dog) and announced, "This is not a dog." Thereafter, She permitted Wuti into the inner sanctuary of Her ashram where no dogs were allowed."

Excerpt from "Sunyata: The Life and Sayings of a Rare-Born Mystic, p. xiii-xiv)


You may prepare anything you like.  I have no likes or dislikes.


I have no preferences.  Let me sleep anywhere.


I did not experience this.  I do not know.  I am not mental.  I do not have language to answer.


I take my home with me wherever I go.


Every thing always happens rightly, all is right that seems most wrong.


Nothing to teach and nothing to sell.


Step by step as thou goeth, the way shall open up to thee.


When the Basrah Sufi awoke self-illumined,

he ran about shouting"

"Anur Huk! Anur Huk!"

("I am God! I am God!")

The word symbols were unfortunate and

the shouting was immature.

So, naturally, our Sufiji had his godly head chopped off

by the fanatic orthodox brethren.

Why shout or assert?

Better to keep mum and God-free

and live It with joyous ease,

affectionate detachment, and

delightful uncertainty.


In and with all your imperfections,

YOU are perfect.


Let Life flow on its own - let the current lead you.

Be like a white cloud in the Krishna-blue sky, like akasha:

no goal,

no power,

no will,

going nowhere, just floating.

That flowing is the ultimate flowering.

Everything unnatural has to be avoided.

Be natural.

Self-nature is enough, you cannot improve upon it.


Remember your original face - 

the one you had before you were born.


Submission to the Sadguru is

not submission to anyone outside of one's Self,

but this Self is manifested outwardly

in order to help one to discover the Self within:

the seeming two are one - the Master is within.


Effort was the helper - effort is the bar.

Reason was the helper - reason is the bar.

Ego was the helper - ego is the bar.

Guru was the helper - guru is the bar.



SN Bharadwaj: about Sunyata (A Rare Born Mystic)
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